Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kitchen Renovations

Sorry this has taken me so long to write. Things have been pretty hectic in our little condo. We are renovating our kitchen and I have no counters, appliances, or cabinets. I have a lonely little refrigerator and that's it!!! However, I have new appliances, cabinets, and counters on the way so I can cook and bake more. Can't wait to try new foods and blogs them to you. Please be patient with me and give me a couple more weeks. This project should be finished around the second week in February. Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Tricia -
    I don't know why i can't seem to get emails to go through to you. I must have the wrong email address....so again, I'm contacting you this way.
    Lizzie's 2nd birthday is in two weeks and I'm on the hunt for a good moist cupcake recipe. Maybe Yellow cake with a white buttercream icing. If you have any tried and true suggestions, let me know. If you email me, I can show you the vanilla bean cupcake recipe i have and tried. We loved them, esp. the real vanilla specks in the cake, but they came out too dry and crumbly. Wonder if you might have a suggestion for keeping them moist. anyway - just a thought to reach out to you.......good luck with renovations
